FAQs & Fees
How much does therapy cost?
$195 for a 50 minute session. Pro-rated for shorter or longer sessions.
What about sliding scale?
I do offer a number of sliding scale spots which range from $100-195 for folks who are unable to afford my full fee. The intention of this equity-focused fee structure is that individuals who pay a higher fee help provide access for those who need financial assistance. Please reach out if you would like to discuss more.
Do you take insurance?
No, however I can provide a superbill to your insurance after the fact, for partial reimbursement of services. If you are interested in submitting superbills for out-of-network insurance reimbursement, to prevent any scary financial surprises, I recommend you call the member services phone number on the back of your insurance card and ask the following questions:
1. Does your insurance cover out-of-network outpatient behavioral health services?
2. What is your deductible when you see an out-of-network outpatient behavioral health provider?
3. Once that deductible is met, what percentage does your insurance reimburse?
4. How many visits are you allowed per calendar year?
5. Do your benefits differ if you are seeking individual therapy, couples therapy, or group therapy?
6. Does your insurance require that you have preauthorization prior to sessions with a therapist?